
The mission of The Project School is to uncover, recover and discover the unique gifts and talents that each child brings to school every day. Our school works collaboratively with families, community members and social service agencies to solve real problems, as well as to create art for public spaces. Students graduate from The Project School as stewards of the environment with the will, skill, capacity, and knowledge to contribute to the greater good.


The vision of the Project School is to eliminate the predictive value of race, class, gender and special abilities on student success in our school and in our communities, by working together with families and community to ensure each child’s success. We believe in educating the whole child - heart, mind and voice.


The Project School believes in -

Empowering students to be contributing participants in their education, their community, and the diverse society in which we live. The keystones to change rely upon the creation of a learning community that provides students with experiences that are immediately relevant.

Knowing yourself well, which is the pathway to knowing and understanding others well and is the pathway to the kind of collaboration that can solve problems and bring people together for the greater good.

Valuing the contributions of all members of the learning community. A school works best for each student it serves when the culture of the school is both inclusive and inviting.

Judging our success based on the success of our students, particularly those with the highest needs and the most challenges.

Tailoring our practices to serve all children, including our own. We will identify all obstacles and barriers to success and work collaboratively to systematically dismantle them. There is no reason to fail.

Celebrating and honoring our families and their communities by valuing our students, their diverse histories, and their ancestral backgrounds.

Creating a culture where all are important and valued, by nurturing positive relationships with all members of the community.

Infusing environmentally responsible practices into our school’s culture and curriculum.